Sunday, July 10, 2016

808 Adjustable

This was a little mind boggling, especially in the drawing stage.  Yikes.  I originally thought of painting this in a large format, but decided I should try a smaller study first.  I do think it would be a cool painting if much larger.  I love to paint the texture of old and rusty things.  In case you are wondering, these are hardware spindles.  They were used with doorknobs and could be adjusted based on the depth of the door.

Should I paint it larger?

"808 Adjustable"
acrylic - 12x12 in


  1. Incredible.This must have taken much time as there is much detail. What is the size-ish of these ?

  2. Incredible.This must have taken much time as there is much detail. What is the size-ish of these ?
