Monday, December 28, 2020

1008 Ferris Wheel

 Hello.  As you may know, I've been working on abstraction and there is so much to learn.  There are many abstract formations and in this painting I was working on the circular format.  I see this one alot on Pinterest, so I guess it must be popular.  It isn't as easy to paint as it may look, but I stuck with it because I love the colors, which remind me of sherbet.    This is a 12" square, but I would love a reason to paint this much larger.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

1007 The Kiss of the Sun


Happy Holidays to all of you.  During this year's shelter, I managed to get all my shopping and wrapping done early, a first for me.  I had plenty of time to paint and try new things, one example is studying abstracts.  I've collected a huge file on Pinterest.  I wonder if I will ever get confident in this new genre.  

This is the first time I have painted on heavy weight art paper, and I am surprised at how much I enjoyed it.  The surface is much smoother than canvas and it doesn't take up much space.  The painting can be varnished and mounted on a cradled board, or framed in a standard 14 x 11" frame.  A friend just sent me pictures of artwork framed in IKEA frames, which was surprisingly beautiful.

The weather here in Chicago has been very cold---no snow, but cold.  A friend in California sent me some nasturtium, sunflower, and hollyhock seeds and that got me dreaming of being back in the gardens.  I never tire of painting flowers.  

I wish you all a very healthy and happy new year.  All it takes is just one slip up, and boom, you're exposed to covid.  May 2021 be filled with optimism and and peace.

Friday, December 18, 2020

1006. Without a Care in the World


Our days are grey, yet mild here in Chicago,  but we are entering the abyss of winter.  I love warm weather and even all the promise of spring and summer when we start to see life emerge in our gardens.  I am happy that I was able to paint this bright happy picture---so full of optimism for the future.  The title explains so many parts of my life---the time when I am painting and certainly, the time when I am gardening, when I am with my family.  

If you follow my journey, you know that I am most comfortable painting what I see.  I don't see any flowers in my garden right now, so this was a long stretch for me.  In today's art world, mark-making seems to be of immense focus, and I have trouble with that, wanting more to express myself with my paint and brush rather than scribbles.  I guess I'll catch on with practice.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

1005 A Little Tipsy


I'm sure you can imagine the amount of time it took to get these cups to stay balanced like this, even for a few minutes while I gingerly moved to photograph.  I tried photographing about 50 different configurations with very little luck and lots of crashes.  I'm not kidding when I say it took me three days of effort to get something I could work with.   I am eager to be able to get out to scrounge for unusual cups to paint.

Monday, December 14, 2020

1004. At the End of the Day


I love this calming scene.  My daughter took the photo in Mazomanie, Wisconsin at the Blackhawk River Runs a few years ago.  The photo is mostly black and white, so I had to get creative with the color.  I've painted this scene a few times and this time I wanted to try various shades of blue, which I find to be such a calming color. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

1003. Did Someone Say "Squirrel?"

 Introducing Tia, a beautiful rescue dog.  She was found wandering the streets of Chicago, and now has a very cushy and loving home.

Have you noticed that many, many dogs have been adopted during Covid?  I think it's a wonderful thing that so many abandoned dogs now have loving homes, and that homebound people now have company,  someone to love, hug and spoil.  The shelters have wait lists, and suddenly it is a very competitive market, which is all good.  It's sometimes seems hard to believe that there have been many positives during Covid, but being a "glass half full" person, I really believe this is one of them.  I see so many young people carrying their pups through the streets of Chicago because they are just too tired to take another step.  I can't help but smile underneath my mask.  It warms my heart

I never seem to tire of painting pooches, and Tia made me a very happy painter.

Friday, November 13, 2020

1002 Remnants

 With extra paint on my palette, I created this painting, and added a few suggestions in pencil that it is floral.  For a lot of years, I have wanted to paint abstracts, but my brain has trouble with that.  I am not sure if it's a confidence thing, or if I'm just stuck on painting what I see.   I'll keep trying.

This painting measures 20" h x 10" w x 1.5" d. It does not require framing, but can be hung as is.

Friday, November 6, 2020

1001 Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary

I was recently treated to one of Mother Nature's most amazing places---right here in the city of Chicago, the Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary.  There were so many people there to enjoy a beautiful day, and lots of very expensive cameras to photograph the birds.  It was a very peaceful place and I hope to visit again soon.  Here is how the website describes the sanctuary. 

"Located in Lincoln Park, Montrose Point is a 15-acre bird sanctuary that attracts tens of thousands of migratory birds of more than 300 different species, that stop here for rest, food and shelter. Within the natural area is “The Magic Hedge”, a 150 yard stretch of shrubs and several trees, so-called because it attracts a curiously high number of migratory birds. Important migrants include most species of Warblers seen in the Chicago area, Thrushes, Sparrows, Purple Martins, Woodpeckers and many others. Nesters include Common Yellowthroats, Catbirds, Red-winged Blackbirds, Mourning Doves, and Brown Thrashers. It is no wonder “The Magic Hedge” has become an internationally recognized birding area.

“The Magic Hedge” did not just appear on its own. During the 1950’s through 1970’s, the Army leased land at Montrose and built two barracks. Honeysuckle was planted to screen them from public view. Long after the Army left, the honeysuckle remained and formed the basic feature of “The Magic Hedge." During the 1980’s and early 1990’s birding organizations and the Park District began cooperating to enhance bird-friendly plantings around “The Magic Hedge”. These plantings included blackhaw and nannyberry viburnum, serviceberry, chokeberry, fragrant sumac, and other shrubs. "

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

1000. Cause For Celebration

On April 8, 2013, I began the journey to Daily Paintworks.  It took me ALL DAY to set up and paint a small painting, photograph it,  write the blog post, post to my blog, then Daily Paintworks, then Facebook.  I was exhausted at the end of the day.  I woke up the next morning to see that it had sold, and I was shocked and  delighted.  My Daily Paintworks shero was and still is Lisa Daria  Kennedy, who inspired me with her commitment to paint something small every day.  As of today, Lisa has of pained a simple little vase of flowers for 2,954 days, never having missed a day.  Amazing.  She was so generous with her time and encouragement prior to me taking the plunge.  

It is obvious I missed a few days here and there,  and at a certain point, the little paintings were piling up and I felt that my time was better spent painting larger paintings.  For a long time, I did not number the larger ones, but then at some point decided to take advantage of DPW's venue.  I have enjoyed this time so much---not only posting, but being in the company of so many fine artists, experienced and novices alike.  I have met so many wonderful people, some who have become friends across the miles.  It is so nice to be part of a community, even if it is online.  

DPW has given me the opportunity to try new subjects and experiment with techniques  I have learned from other artists by studying their work.  I would highly recommend this practice to anyone who would like to grow with their art.  Here is a picture of my first painting, Hello, It's Nice to Meet You.

P.S.  Yes, the teacups were balanced like this without tape or any other stabilizer.  I only broke one other cup during the process.  (big smile)

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

999 Vintage, Made in Peoria

 Several years ago, I painted a tall stack of nearly-tumbling teacups, and I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to revisit it.  Some of my favorite cups did not survive our move, so I will scrounge to find others.  I struggled with the title, but seeing the words "Made in Peoria" made be smile because many of my favorite relatives live in Peoria.  I think I have another larger painting of teacups in my future.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

998 Mia

 Meet Mia, one of my grand-dogs.  She is the happiest dog I know, and very disciplined.  She is so happy that she once had "happy tail syndrome," and yes there is such a thing.  She injured her tail by wagging it too much into walls and furniture.  Hard to believe that being too happy is a problem.

Commissions welcomed.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

997 Red Velvet

 The flower season is ending here in Chicago, and each day I try to bring in a few blooms to enjoy. This summer I've come to appreciate the Cosmos  flowers as the happy, yet under appreciated flower that they are.  FYI, my husband named this painting.  I happened to have what I consider to be a perfect frame for it, too.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

996 Dreams Deferred


This young boy is one of many Middle East refugee children who have been served by ANERA. I have painted many of these children in the last few years for "The Innocents Project," my attempt to recognize the children  and to bring recognition to a great non-governmental organization, ANERA.  

I have seen first hand that Lebanon is a beautiful country with the nicest, most giving people in the world.  Unfortunately, she has been plagued with a weak and confusing government for many years.  In addition, the influx of Syrian and Palestinian refugees have pushed Lebanon into an economic collapse.  When you add the COVID-19 pandemic and the horrific explosion at Lebanon's main port to the mix, it is a recipe for disaster.  Many NGOs and foreign governments have come to Lebanon's aid, but there is just too much work to be done.

ANERA is an 50+ year old American organization located in Washington, D.C.  ANERA stands for American Near East Refugee Aid and I am very familiar with the great work they do in the Middle East.  They have stepped up to work with other groups in the region to provide medicines, medical supplies and PPE to the families affected by the explosion.  They are rehabilitating homes, mobilizing volunteers, distributing water and food.  As an unfortunate reminder, almost 200 lives were lost in the avoidable explosion at Lebanon's main port,  6,000 people injured and hundreds of thousands of people  displaced.  Many children have been separated from their parents or are still missing.   

ANERA believes that education is key.  They have built and rebuilt schools in refugee camps and have developed programs for youth, who have been the most underserved, exploited and marginalized age group.  Children are not able to get a good education in Lebanon, as public schools are overcrowded, violent and have a poor reputation.  Not everyone can afford private schools.   The official Lebanese school system is not open to Palestinians.  They attend schools run by the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UMRWA), which are overcrowded and underfunded.  39 percent of Palestinian  teenagers from Lebanon and 64 percent of Palestinian refugees from Syria do not complete their education.  There is so much more to report on the glooming situation, but next I will focus on the positive.

ANERA offers many practical vocational programs which provide cash to the youth employees who graduate.  Young people are taking the skills they have learned from ANERA's programs to help the people of Lebanon.  Their cooking and catering students help to prepare large quantities of food to feed many people.  Their carpentry students are helping to make repairs to homes damaged by the blast.  Other students are participating in nursing, solar installation, plumbing, electricity, and sewing courses---all practical skills which help both students and others.  They have improved water systems in refugee areas, improved electrical hazards, and many other improvements to refugee camps, which is their regular focus.  

There is so much more to write about this great organization, but you can read about them online at  They are passionate people who have devoted themselves to give dignity to those who live in the worst possible living conditions.  Please consider making a donation, no matter how small, to this fine organization.


1111 14th Street NW, #400

Washington, DC 20005

Friday, October 2, 2020

995 Cosmos: a Garden Odyssey


I grew these Cosmos in my rooftop garden.  I think they are a very under-appreciated flower.  Cosmos is the Greek word for harmony, and I believe that these beautiful flowers add harmony to any garden. It is thought that the word Cosmos is also the opposite of the word "chaos," which is how you might describe the beautiful explosion of color these simple flowers bring to the garden.  There are many colors of Cosmos available, but I focused on the white ones for this painting.  I love their simple beauty.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

994 Friend of a Friend of a Friend

 I love nasturtiums, but was very disappointed that my attempts to grow them this year on my roof did not bring better results.  I'm not sure if the reason they did poorly is because it's too sunny, too much water, or the soil wasn't bad enough.  Oddly, such a sweet little flower likes poor soil.  I'm not giving up yet, and will try again next year.  One more thing, did you know that nasturtium flowers and leaves are edible?

Monday, September 28, 2020

993. Family Dinner


Flowers are a must-have staple in my house.  They make me happy, plain and simple.  This year, I enjoyed growing flowers on my rooftop garden.  They get regular watering and all the sun their little hearts can hold.  It's so nice to be able to pluck the blooms and plop them in a vase for a friend or family member.  We had a family dinner yesterday and this arrangement graced our dinner table.  I felt proud to create a simple arrangement and a delicious meal.  Flowers make life so much better.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

992 Party at Goldilocks'

 These teddy bear sunflowers and hot peppers from the farmers' market were so fun to paint from life but the background drove me crazy for nearly two weeks.  I tried every color I was sure would work.  Finally I gave up.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

991. Paulie

 Introducing Paulie, my new grand-dog.  He was rescued from Alabama along with presumably his two children.  Apparently, if the owner of a dog is not identified within three days, the dog is euthanized.  He is very timid, but with all the love and loving care given to him by his new "Mom and Dad" is gradually coming out of his shell.  The painting is a birthday gift for "Mom," and she was very happy to receive it today.

Monday, September 14, 2020

990 Tiny Teddy Bear (Sunflower)

 I can't resist the flowers at the local farmers' market.  A stem chock full of seven fluffy Teddy Bear sunflowers, including this little guy, came home with me over a week ago, and I've been enjoying them ever since.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

989 Don't Go, Summer

After my recent enjoyable plein air experience which produced disastrous paintings, I found myself slipping into that place that no artist wants to visit.  I needed to refocus and decide what kind of a painter I wanted to be, what style, what voice, what I want to communicate.  I know I'm different--I like painting on a black gessoed surface, and some may gasp at that, but I like it.  My work may not be technically perfect, but hey---it's "me."  I can take class after class and yes, I learn a lot from other artists, but what I so desperately need is to learn is to maintain my own style, method, voice.  

I'm not sure I am cut out to be a plein air painter.  I'm getting older and it is a fairly strenuous activity.  I hate to admit that, but it's true.  But, I'm not ready to give it up, so I may try again with more of what I am familiar with--my acrylics and all my unique practices that make me comfortable and therefore, more productive.  

A couple of days ago, it was warm, but very clearly, Fall was in the air.  I went for a walk near the Lincoln Park Zoo, which is located on beautiful wooded grounds.  I took lots of pictures of scenes including trees, which I failed to paint satisfactorily at the plein air event.  I needed to paint one of those scenes as a metaphor for "getting back on the horse."

I'm more of a still life painter, but I love landscapes and have painted a fair amount of them.  I will continue to appreciate the strong verticals of Mother Nature's most beautiful sculptures--TREES.  I will continue to focus on the large shapes, the light and the shadows, to capture what elements tell MY story, to simplify, and to find the hero in my story.  These are the teachings of Steve Puttrich, the extraordinarily talented and nice guy who was so patient with me, knowing there were many new components to my plein air experience.  Thank you, Steve.


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

988 Reprieve at Twilight

This scene may look familiar to you, and you are correct that it is the same scene recently painted.  There are many benefits to the artist in painting several versions of the same scene, and "it's never the same painting twice," as it is virtually impossible to get every brushstroke the same.  This one is          30" x 24" which was challenging.  

My daughter took the photo reference, which was virtually black and white.  It was challenging to add color where there were only lights and darks.  I think I have one more in me, this time in various shades of blue.


Saturday, August 22, 2020

987 Gateway to America


Several years ago, I attempted to research my enormous family's family trees.  It was a daunting task that found me at the dining room table at 6:00 pm still working in my pajamas for too many days.  I had to give up, but what I learned changed me.  

My family came to America beginning in the late 1800's from Lebanon (then Syria) to France where they boarded the ship to America.  On the Ellis Island website, I discovered a wealth of information via the ships' manifests.  So much about each passenger was recorded on those manifests--the immigrant's age, eye color,  amount of money in their pocket, occupation, education, destination, reason for coming to America, and who they would visit.  Some died on the ship, some were "in hospital," and some were sent back.

This is a painting of the Ellis Island Immigration Building (hospital) which was open to treat immigrant patients from 1902 until 1951 who were ill on arrival and could stay, and those who had diseases prohibited by immigration laws and were sent back to their originating country.  During that time, 275,000 patients were treated, 4,000 fatalities, and 350 new babies born.  The hospital consisted of a general hospital, and one treating contagious diseases.  There was a "Psychopathic Ward" and a maternity ward.  

If you are interested in immigration, I know you will learn so much from how immigration worked in those days.  Wikipedia has a lengthy history of the building and the hospital's practices.

My daughter visited Ellis Island and took this photo (painted with permission).  She was very impressed with an art installation by a French artist that placed large scale photos of real immigrants throughout the buildings on walls and windows.  Here is a web site you can go to to see photos of this exhibit, which my daughter said was haunting.

This painting is 12" x 12" and a study for the possibility of a larger painting.  I would love to see less fussiness and more abstraction in a large painting.  Any takers?

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

986 Family Portrait


Some days are better than others, and on the particular day I painted this, my husband and I needed some levity.  Yesterday's practice on First Pick of the Season was good prep for this one.  Hope it brings you a smile today.

Monday, August 17, 2020

985 First Pick of the Season


I have two eggplant plants in my rooftop garden, one of them is this variety and the other is a Japanese elongated eggplant.  This is the first pick of this variety.  My two favorite eggplant dishes are Baba Ghannough, a Lebanese dip made with garlic, eggplant and tahini, and Eggplant Parmesan, which my mother-in-law taught me to make.  This one and those that come after are destined for Eggplant Parm. and my mouth is watering just thinking of it.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

984 The Optimist, the Pessimist and the Realist

I was given some fancy sunflower seeds in the Spring, and was so happy to watch them grow tall in their pot on my roof, so every time I climb the stairs, their unruly petals greet me with sunshine.  Each stem has 3 or 4 flowers in a clump, but this was the first bloom, so they aren't visible.  While painting this, I made many trips up to the roof to get the colors right.  

I notice some of the seeds are missing, so I am assuming I have had visitors to my garden.


Friday, July 31, 2020

983 Untroubled

Oh how I would love to be on that boat right now.  It looks so peaceful and tranquil and, well, untroubled.  My daughter took the reference photo for this painting a Mazomanie, Wisconsin.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

982 Heyday

I needed a break from some other paintings in the works, so this was a nice reprieve.
It is one of my paint splat paintings in which I paint the image from imagination.  It's lots of fun and a nice escape.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

981 Freshly Picked

It is very exciting for me to grow my own vegetables in my garden.  In this case, these went directly into my studio for my still life set up.  I couldn't dawdle because the fresh vegetables don't stay fresh for very long.
Gardening and painting are my two favorite pastimes, as if you couldn't tell. 

Monday, July 13, 2020

980 Up On The Roof

Without her knowing it, my daughter shamed me into painting outdoors today.  "It would be a great plein air painting day, Mom.  What's stopping you?" to which I replied with a number of excuses.  I have a new easel and I'm just not ready to paint in the city since I'm  (enter any one of many excuses here).  So I decided to paint on the roof to ease on into it.  My little flower garden on the roof is in full bloom and it wasn't too hot up there today.  There was a nice breeze and only once did my canvas blow off before I bungie corded it down.

My Art Ladies group went on several painting trips to beautiful places--New Mexico, California, Door County, Hilton Head----all were wonderful experiences.  That was many years ago.  Plein air painting is "NOT for sissies" as someone in our group described it, loads of fun but really hard work.  

I will promise myself to scope out places I am comfortable with to paint.  I have my eye on a charming little yellow house with a nice garden and a white picket fence not too far from my home.  There is an active group of Plein Air Painters Chicago, so someday maybe I will join them one day.  I did signed up to paint at the Chicago Botanical Gardens in late August, so I better get busy preparing so as not to embarrass myself.  

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

979 Be Still My Heart

I fell in love with nasturtiums 3 years ago when my garden club was scoping out gardens for our Quilts In The Garden Walk, which by the way was a crazy wild success.  We found the cutest little backyard garden completely filled with nasturtiums, spilling over sidewalks and their little pond, and that's the moment I fell in love with their beautiful leaves and flowers.  We planned the entire winter for quilts to accompany this beautiful garden.  The following spring, we visited the garden and discovered the homeowner had ripped out all the nasturtiums.  I was devastated, BUT their replacement garden was equally as beautiful and we went to Plan B.  Lesson learned.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

978 Powerful Forces

If you have been following my painting journey, you know a few things about me.  Surely you must know that I am not a portrait artist and that I am self taught in that genre.  You also must know that I passionately paint Palestinian refugee children's portraits to bring awareness and attention to a non-profit, non-political organization, ANERA,  American Near East Refugee Aid.  This is my 27th portrait in the series of The Innocence Project.

I was prepared to write about women and girls in Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria being a powerful force in their communities as breadwinners, providers, and role models---areas that ANERA serves.
But if we think we have it bad here in the United States, it is absolutely a walk in the park compared to Palestinian refugees in any of these countries, particularly in Lebanon.  Here is a quote from ANERA'S blog about the conditions in Lebanon:

"All of Lebanon is now on two hours of electricity per day. Randomly coming on and off. It used to be more scheduled. Morale is down in the whole country. There continue to be demonstrations in the streets. The army is more visible. The value of the Lebanese pound continues its downward slide. There are shortages in basics, like medicines. Many shops are not even selling items because they don’t know what price to charge. It’s chaotic. People are rushing to buy stuff and stock up in their homes."

The situation is worsening every day for the 1.7 million Palestinian and Syrian refugees in Lebanon.  Conditions have been terrible, unemployments rates are high and people have very little access to education and health care.  The ANERA Country Director in Lebanon reports that despite the resiliency of the people, there is a sense of despair, fear, and hopelessness.  The World Food Program estimates that 83% of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon are living in crushing poverty.  

Thankfully the virus hasn't spiked in Lebanon but the numbers are rising.  ANERA provides valuable disinfection kits with bleach, soap and laundry detergent, as well as hygiene kits.  They also provide food, and important medicines like cancer and chronic disease medications.

There is SO much more I could tell you about ANERA and the great work they do to bring dignity and improved living conditions, education, educational programs, etc. but I know you would gain much more by looking at their website,  I know you will be impressed.  If you are so moved, please make a donation to ANERA and I promise you it will be well spent.  If possible, mention The Innocents Project 

Thanks for your consideration.

Friday, June 26, 2020

977 First Blooms

I have a large rooftop garden, and this year I planted more flowers than in previous years.  It's the only place I can grow flowers that require full sun.  I can't wait till they all bloom.  In the meantime, I plucked these two to stimulate more blooms.    I love this little vase, which is about the size of a large shot glass.  It was made by Renee Schwaller, potter and proprietress of Off The Wall Pottery.  I just love her work, and sgraffito pottery in particular.  This is one of three that I couldn't resist.  This one has an owl on the back side, and you know how much I love owls.

Friday, June 19, 2020

977 Late Night Pirouette

This is a very different painting for me, but I loved painting it.  In case you are interested, there is another painting underneath this one, positively a bad one, and I have been playing with modifications for over a year.  I really enjoyed the process.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

976 If Not For You

This one was fun.  I hope you like it.  The paint where the vase is now seemed to ask for a blue and white vase.  

Don't forget to check out my Pixels shop featuring these Rorschach inspired paintings on some cute items.  Think ahead to holiday shopping!

Friday, June 12, 2020

975 Unexpected Moment of Joy

This is another painting that began as a black paint splat.  I never know how it will turn out, but in this case, I knew it was going to be a basket.

During the shelter in place during the pandemic, life is very simple.  But still there have been many little moments that brought me such joy that may not have been noticed otherwise.  Just today, I was surveying my front yard, looking up into the trees to observe the birds, who have been feasting on my snap peas in my rooftop garden.    I noticed that wrens had finally--- after two years--- taken residency in my beautiful handmade birdhouse.  It made me so happy.  Just a very small thing.  That's all it takes.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

974 Sunflower Polka

This is another painting inspired by a splat of black paint.  I added more polka dots for drama.  I thought the sunflowers look like they are dancing, except for the stuffy one who is sitting it out.

Check out my online store of items featuring my Rorschach-inspired paintings:

Friday, May 29, 2020

973 Was It Something I Said?

I love tulips almost as much as I love my Jean Wells Smaglik vases and bowls.  If you follow my work, you may recall the blue and white oak leaf bowl or the morning glory bowl in many of my still lifes, which has been a favorite.  Jean is a Milwaukee potter and I love her method of scraping away the negative image of the design, called sgraffito.  Jean customized this bowl for me and it is the first time I've painted it.  It has three different color schemes---the bowl is divided in thirds, employing blue, red or black leaves depending on which way you turn it.  Here is a link to her website:  Not only is Jean a talented artist, she is one of the nicest people I've met, and she does so much for her community.  I love that about her.

Back to tulips.  I love them but they confuse the heck out of me.  They actually GROW once you put them in the vase.  Some drape over beautifully the way this artist hopes, or they stand at attention like soldiers.  I wish I knew how to predict what they are thinking.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

972 Sunshine and Teddy Bears

What's old is new, right?  Take an old outfit and add something to it to make it more fitting for the times.  Right.  Well the same goes for paintings.  When you bring them out of retirement, sometimes you see things that you can't live with the screaming blue background that was here before.  This is better.

The fuzzy flowers on the left are Teddy Bear sunflowers.  They're really cute.

Friday, May 15, 2020

971 ZOOM Meeting

Normally the paint splat is black on a white panel, but in this case, I thought I'd try the reverse--white paint splat on a black panel.  This is the result.  I love the drama of black, so I am happy with this.  I had a harder-than-usual time coming up with a title, but today my daughter and I had a ZOOM meeting to work on updating my web site.  Take a peek.

Don't forget to check out my Pixels online store:

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

970 Virtual Hugs

What I miss most during these isolated, socially distanced times are my (adult) children's hugs.  We are a family of "huggers" so this has been very difficult for us.

Please check out my new online store at:
There are lots of fun items being offered.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

969 The Gift of Friendship

I have a dear friend--also named Diane, in Milwaukee who was my neighbor for 29 years before we moved to Chicago.  She and I would use this same box, ribbon and tissue inside to pass gifts to each other at birthdays, etc.  The gift was always quietly left at the back door,  welcomed with a warm smile.  I sure miss her, but ha ha, I'm the one who ended up with the box.

Friday, May 8, 2020

968 When Life Gives You Lemons

It was really fun to make this painting, and took quite awhile to plan and execute.  The vase is one of my favorites--in case you didn't guess, black and white is my favorite color combinations.  I really enjoyed painting the lemons, but not the teapot which has a very matte finish.  The background is my favorite part.  In my still life, it was one of my scarves, but I carved a potato and used it to print the circles.

What do you do when life gives you lemons?

Thursday, May 7, 2020

967 Social Distancing?

It really amazes me how few people understand what a 6' distance means.

Friday, May 1, 2020

964 Let Kindness Bloom

During these unprecedented and confusing days of mostly isolation, it is sometimes difficult to put frustration aside.  Although I am pretty much housebound and have very little outside contact with people, I have heard stories of those who are not respecting social distancing and the parameters placed upon us.  Despite all of this, I still believe that kindness is most important today and every day.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

964 That's What Friends Are For

Good friends are one of the greatest gifts I have.  During this Corona Virus stay-at-home period, the bright spot of many of my days is catching up on the phone with a friend I haven't seen or spoken with in awhile.  As a sign of the times, VENMO is fun too, although not perfect.  Even if there is nothing new to report, it is really nice to hear the voice of an old friend.

Have you ever seen that little saying, "One good friend is worth 1,000 relatives."  I am so lucky to love my relatives AND my friends!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

963 We're Not in Kansas Anymore

This one is a little "out there" but it should remind you that I am not preplanning the paint blobs.  yikes.  I am pretty proud of myself for coming up with the title, however.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

962 Jack in the Box

I'm having almost as much fun coming up with titles for these paintings as I am making the paintings.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

960 Forget-Me-Not

I love the color blue and so when I "saw" the teapot in the paint splotch, I jumped on the opportunity to feature this cool and calming section of the color wheel.  There are very few truly blue flowers, and they are some of my favorites.  Forget-Me-Nots are the sweetest little plants, Brunnerra's flowers are very much like Forget-Me-Nots but have much larger leaves, and of course Delphinium, which I have not had luck in growing.  As an artist, I'm allowed to create my own blue flowers.  So there.