Monday, February 4, 2019

Busy, Busy

Hello everyone,

January is such a depressing month here in Chicago.  It's very grey, and with the recent cold slap (notice I didn't say "snap") we Midwesterners were pretty much confined to the indoors....which was just fine with me. 

It was quite timely that I am taking a very interesting and beneficial online class with a great artist and teacher, Patti Molica.  Her style is so refreshing and loose and she fearlessly and effectively uses color in ways I'd like to learn.  This particular class is called Bending Reality-Using Color Schemes and Strategies, and is for all levels of painters.  There is a lot of serious and valuable homework to teach us to become adept at using the color wheel when orchestrating our paintings.  We paint from Patti's photos but using our choice of colors in various schemes. Tomorrow will begin the third week, and I can't wait to apply the lesson.

I've been devoting all of my painting time to this class, and thought you might like to see some of my homework assignments.  I hope this brightens your day.

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