Sunday, October 13, 2019

941 Golden Pears

The pears were smaller in size than usual, and therefore fit nicely into my oak leaf bowl, made by Wisconsin artist, Jean Wells.  Jean is not only a wonderful potter, but she gives selflessly to her community, having initiated Milwaukee's Empty Bowls event to feed the hungry, and donating so many of her homemade bowls for the event. 

For  this painting,  I used a dark background in my set up with dramatic front lighting.  The edges of the pears sort of blended into each other, and that was what I was going for.  I'm still learning how the water soluble paints behave, so it took several days with drying time to avoid a dirty mess.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

940 Lured In

I know absolutely nothing about fishing, but I do love to paint collections of things, so this photo called out to me.  I found it on a copyright free site for artists, but there was no person named to give credit to.

This painting is not framed, as it may appear.  The "frame" is painted to give the feeling that the lures are in a shadow box.