This is the seventh portrait as part of my series called "The Innocents Project." This picture is of a one-year old girl named Tala in either Lebanon or Palestine, who wasn't getting enough nutrition. With assistance from ANERA, she received a vitamin fortified powdered milk and very soon grew taller and gained weight. ANERA (American Near East Refugee Aid) is an organization headquartered in Washington D.C., founded in 1968 with the intention of helping those in refugee camps in Lebanon and Palestine. They never imagined they would be needed all these years later, but the need is still dire to help repair and build water systems, schools, provide food, medicine, clothing and hygiene products to the thousands and thousands who live in horrible conditions in refugee camps.
This image of beautiful little Tala was taken in 2012 when she was just one year old. Sadly, I doubt that four years later her life is any better. She has probably never known a "normal" life outside of a refugee camp. ANERA tries to make children's and their families' lives a little more "normal."
If by chance you are so moved, please make a donation to and mention "The Innocents Project."
"825 Angelic"
acrylic - 12x12 in
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