Tuesday, August 20, 2019
936 The Environmentalist
Via Anera's February 11 Facebook video, I was introduced to this 12-year old Palestinian, Hatem, who lives in Burj Shemali Refugee camp in South Lebanon. I was taken aback by his poise and enthusiasm in explaining how Anera works to promote environmentalism and good hygiene in Lebanon. Hatem attends one of UNRWA's schools and in addition to conducting a tour of his school, he explained that Anera helped clean the area in just 3 days, and collected 60,000 bottle caps, which were later used in an art installation.
Anera conducts a series of awareness sessions at schools "to change attitudes and behaviors around littering, pollution, recycling, sorting waste at source and composting. Anera has designed and rolled out a year-long plan, through which these core themes are communicated to young children in an interactive and fun way. The long term goal is to help shape the youth in Lebanon regarding the environment."
This program is funded by UNICEF and implemented by Anera. As you may know, I am devoted to Anera and the great work they do in SO many ways to improve lives of refugees in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Jordan. This is one of nearly three dozen portraits I have painted of Palestinian Refugee children in my effort to raise awareness of Anera's good work, which I firmly believe in.
Please consider making a donation to Anera, and mention The Innocents Project. www.anera.org
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