Monday, November 27, 2017
879 Simply Irresistible
Today is Giving Tuesday, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving when we are encouraged to donate to our favorite charities, where often our donations will be matched by a generous donor. ANERA is one of my very favorite organizations and if you follow my blog, you know that I have been supporting them for a long time. My "near and dear and close to my heart" project, The Innocents Project, features paintings of Syrian and Palestinian refugee children in the Middle East who are served by ANERA, including this little girl. This is my 20th painting so far and I will continue to paint the children for as long as I am able, to raise awareness of what is needed and the good work that ANERA does.
ANERA makes a big impact, but still there is more work to do. Here are a few facts: with assistance from ANERA 8,658 refugee youth have returned to school to learn basic skills so that they can help support their families and themselves. 2,000 preschoolers have received school supplies and reading materials. 25 communities in Gaza, and 1,000 people overall have benefitted from being connected to clean water. $49 Million worth of medicine and relief supplies have been delivered to Palestine and Lebanon. There is much to read at ANERA's site I do hope you will go to their web site and read about their good work. I could go on an on, but you should see for yourself. I have met this wonderful family of devoted servants to the cause and am so grateful to them for their tireless efforts and the great work they do. I hope you will consider a donation to them on this Giving Tuesday.
ANERA stands for American Near East Refugee Aid.
"879 Simply Irresistible"
acrylic - 12x12 in
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