Wednesday, December 31, 2014

526 Contemplation

Another photo reference from Vicki Marx, photo taken in Churchill, Canada.  Thanks again, Vicki.

Happy New Year everyone!  Thanks so much for being a part of my 2014.  Wishing you all the best for the new year.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

525 Anticipation

Grateful for this photo reference from Vicki Marx, taken in Churchill, Canada.  It was 13 degrees here today in Milwaukee, comfy for polar bears, but not for me.

Monday, December 29, 2014

524 Take the Plunge

One of the ladies in my art group visited Churchill, Canada and took the most magnificent photos of polar bears and other arctic animals.  With New Year's Day rapidly approaching and the Polar Plunge taking place in many cities, I thought it would be appropriate to paint this beautiful animal.  As a person who thinks anything below 70 degrees is cold, I can't even imagine what it would be like to jump into freezing water. 

Thanks to Vicki Marx for the use of her spectacular photo.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Happy Holidays to all!

  This Christmas, my daughter and I made traditional baklawa in our Lebanese tradition, and lemon and chocolate Italian cookies with Mom Campion's recipe.  Brushing butter on the phyllo dough with a pastry brush was the closest I came to painting.  There has been no time to paint these past few days---yes, I miss it, but spending this special time with my daughter is more important to me.
Is your mouth watering yet?

I am wishing everyone a happy new year.  I appreciate all of your kindness through nice comments and encouragement. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

523 Cuties, Again

It is probably obvious by now that Blue/Orange is my favorite complementary color palette.  Funny thing is I never liked the color orange, until I received an orange pumpkin soap dispenser at a luncheon and it discovered how fabulous it looks in my pale turquoise kitchen.  It is now my permanent accent color.

As this miserable cold reaches the 1 week mark, the Cuties  (vitamin C) are dwindling away.  All of Milwaukee is sick!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

522 Cuties in the Oak Leaf Bowl

My oak leaf bowl has housed an overflowing Vitamin C supply for the last several days.  I've been trying to rid myself of a miserable cold, so the pile has dwindled quite a bit.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

521 Freshly Fallen

I took the photo reference for this painting last year in my next door neighbor's yard.  Her young dogwood tree was decorated with red holiday balls and the freshly fallen snow had piled up on them.  For someone who hates cold and winter, I admit I love the brightness, the shadows,  and the colors of the snow.   FYI, my husband, my best critic, has absolutely no idea what this painting is all about.  That's a bad sign, because, despite his color blindness, he is usually correct.

Happy Holidays to all!!

Friday, December 19, 2014

520 Saki

This is Saki, a lucky little pooch.  Her "grandmother" commissioned this painting of puppy Saki for her son and his family.  It will be given to them tomorrow, Saturday and I hope they will like it.
Merry Christmas!…/diane-camp…/520-saki/298413

Thursday, December 18, 2014

519 Lunch With Llamas

A few years ago, my Art Ladies group went on a llama trek through the Rio Grande trails.  We each had our own llama, who carried our supplies through the trails to a beautiful spot where we painted and had lunch.  It was a wonderful day and surprising how attached we all felt to the llamas.  Perhaps we were missing our pets at home.  Sorry I can't remember my llama's name.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

518 Lady in the Lavender

I painted Lady up close the other day, but I like this painting better.  She was a very sweet horse at Ghost Ranch who had free roam, even though she was blind.  I learned last night that she is no longer living, and I'm sure she is missed at the Ranch.

Monday, December 15, 2014

517 Shapely 2

This is the second time I have painted this scene.  A friend really liked it and wanted it for a trio of autumn paintings, but it was sold.  I love the shape of this tree, as it almost looks like a woman's "shapely" figure.  This photo shows the painting framed with Franken Frames's floater frame.  I really like these frames because none of the image is lost as it would be with a conventional frame.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

516 Lady

Meet Lady, a horse we met at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico.  At the time, she was old and blind and very sway-back, but affectionate and seemingly happy.  She has the run of the ranch, unlike most other horses there.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

515 Pom on a Pedestal

I love painting just about everything that is red, and I love pomegranates.  I'm sure I will paint it again and again at some point.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

514 Tilted

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

513 Staring Back

I took the photo of this animal at the Wisconsin State Fair.  Unfortunately I don't know what it is.

Friday, December 5, 2014

512 Grange

I started this as part of a class on miniature paintings.  I didn't fully understand what that entailed, but since I paint "small,"  I figured it would be a piece of cake.  HA!  Was I wrong!  This is much more detailed than I am accustomed to painting.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

511 As Blue as the Sea

Our family recently spent some time in Captiva, Florida, and a house there had such a beautiful entrance, which included this little vignette.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

510 Welcome

Doesn't this look like a welcoming place?  I wonder who lives there.

509 Snow on the Rooftob, better

I was not satisfied with the sky in yesterday's painting, nor were the colors adequately represented in the photograph.  Here is the modified version.

Monday, December 1, 2014

509 Snow on the Rooftop

On this past Friday in Chicago, the sky was on fire, and it was SO beautiful.  Unfortunately, I was driving, so I couldn't photograph it.  The reference photo reminded me of it.