Thursday, July 31, 2014

423 Only Room For Two

I was on vacation for the last week and had a wonderful time despite only painting two feather watercolors.  One of the many highlights of my trip was a visit to Daily Paintworks' sweetheart and fellow-DPW artist, Lisa Daria (Kennedy).  She and pooch Brie were wonderful hosts, and it was so much fun to meet her in person and to see where all her beautiful works originate.  Lisa had completed 1889 paintings on consecutive days as of our visit, never missing a single day!!  I am now posting my 423rd painting,  "423 Only Room For Two." 
It was fun to see the flower arrangement Lisa has painted for the last several days and how she transforms an ordinary vase of ordinary flowers into something masterful.

Lisa was very helpful to me when I initially joined DPW, and continues to generously share her knowledge and suggestions.  Her progression from her first painting to her present body of work has been very encouraging and motivating for me to keep plugging away, learning something new every day.

Here is a link to Lisa's 1889th painting, which she named "1889 Visitors":

The lovely frame shown above is available for a ridiculously low price, so contact me if you are interested.

Friday, July 25, 2014

422 Ruffled Feathers

Having great difficulty posting blog and photos. Please see www.dailypaintworks to see today's and yesterday's paintings. Thank you for your patience.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

420 Nectarines in an Oak Leaf Bowl

This little frame is being offered at a ridiculously low price in addition to the painting.  Please contact me for more information.

419 Nectarines (revised)

I was not happy with yesterday's painting, so here is the revised painting, which I completed today and am much happier with.  Whatever possessed me to begin a new painting at 10:30 last night is beyond me, but that's what I did.  When the clock chimed midnight, I was worried that the posts would be too late.

We had some "visitors" on our patio yesterday, which caused a little self-imposed drama, and of course, drama takes up precious time.  Oliver and I were outside and he went to the corner of the patio and growled.  When I heard growling back, it took a second to register that it wasn't an echo.  Two baby raccoon pups were snuggled together taking a little nap.  I wish I hadn't been such a fraidy-cat because I'm told they were so cute and the scene would have made a great daily painting.  A helpful officer (yes, I called) tried to nudge them away, but they weren't too happy having their naps disturbed, so they went down into the window well.  Mama must have come for them late last night, thankfully,  and needless to say, we are making it less welcoming for them to snooze on our patio.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Sunday, July 20, 2014

418 Sour

Another painting with Jean Well's bowl.  I learn something new with each new painting, even though the cast of characters changes from painting to painting.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

417 Variety With a Jean Wells Bowl

I made some modifications to the original painting and the title.
This is another favorite bowl by local artist Jean Wells.  I didn't do her oak leaves or the bowl justice in this painting.  Jean uses a technique called "sgraffito" or slip-carving, which is very different from so many other pottery you see at art fairs.  She carves the slip to make the design, and the effect is so interesting and unique.  I really admire Jean for her work with the Empty Bowls project here in Milwaukee, which is designed to place hunger-awareness in the forefront, and to earn money for those in need.   You can visit her site at:

Friday, July 18, 2014

416 Tomato Duo

I have enjoyed this series of paintings and have learned a lot in the process.  It has been enlightening to set the objects in many different compositions to see what works and what doesn't.  This bowl, the only consistent object,  has gotten a lot of "press."  The artist is Jean Smaglik Wells and her work is beautiful. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

415 Locally Grown and Perfect

This beautiful tomato was locally grown at Springdale Farm, and part of our weekly CSA box of vegetables (yes, I know tomatoes are technically a fruit).  It was delicious. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

414 Hide Out

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

413 Lemons and Pearls

Monday, July 14, 2014

412 Outcast

Once again, yellow is not my friend.  It doesn't scan or photograph well.  The lemon on the right is not as orange as it appears on my monitor.  I enjoyed setting up the still life and painting it.  The bowl is a favorite, hand made by a local artist,  Jean Smaglik Wells.  I have several of her beautiful pieces.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

411 Pearl Onions in the Spotlight

I really enjoyed painting the mandarin oranges from a copyright-free photograph, and was curious to try to recreate the conditions that produced the reflections of the oranges.  I experimented with set ups to try to accomplish the same effect.  I was happy to see these pearl onions in my farm box this week and spent a lot of time arranging different items to achieve the desired effect.

People often ask me how long it takes to paint a daily painting.  A gallery owner advised me to say
"61 years" (my age) because it took me this long to get to this place.  But truth be told, there is so much research that goes into a painting, and no one ever sees that.  First comes the idea, the research, then experimenting with the set up, the sketching and developing the color palette. Analyzing whether what you want to paint will translate into a painting takes time, as well as a gazillion other factors.  Then, of course, the actual painting, the photographing, the title, the posting to blog, etc.

I am very lucky to be able to do what I love at this time in my life.  I am a happy person when I can devote the necessary time to become a better painter.

This is a longer post than usual.  I apologize if it is more than desired.  I am exploding with creative ideas and possibilities.  Thank you for your patience, support and encouragement.  It is very much appreciated.

Friday, July 11, 2014

410 Bonus

We belong to a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) where we get a box of farm fresh vegetables and eggs each week throughout the spring, summer and fall.  Imagine my surprise AND delight when my eggs came with a bonus feather!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

409 Gladiolas

I am very fond of gladiolas because a favorite aunt grew them each year in one of her beautiful gardens.  She included them in expertly crafted flower arrangements throughout the house.  It always felt special to visit there---something I did for10 summers.  I know I did not do these flowers justice, partly because I spent too much time researching and categorizing my feather collection, which continues to grow, and not enough time painting.  I painted these from real life, and found them difficult to manage. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

408 Mismatched

I am sure none of these items technically belong together, but according to artistic license I can put a cardinal egg with a different bird feather and a nest I don't know was built for whom, but I enjoyed painting it nonetheless.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

407 Wingspan

This painting is currently on 11 x 15" paper, but will be sewn on to a larger paper and matted.  I will update the photo  as soon as possible.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

405 Mandarins

I have really missed painting these last few days.  This felt very good.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

404 Aerodynamic

When I return home from the holiday, the painting will be sewn on to watercolor paper and matted.  I will post an updated picture when complete.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Happy Independence Day!  I didn't paint today, July 3,  but I did work on an exciting new scrap quilt in the "Trip Around the World" pattern,  modeled after one I recently saw at the International Quilt Festival in Chicago .  It is very challenging, but captivating. 

This painting, "Ceremonial" is one I recently completed.  It measures 16" x 40" and is on gallery wrapped canvas, unframed.  The reference photo was taken during one of our trips to New Mexico.  The jar in the middle is a Pueblo wedding vessel.  The two spouts connected by the single handle signify the two lives being joined as one in marriage.

Through my research I learned the following:  Typically the wedding vases are made a week or two before the wedding by the groom's parents.  When the vase is finished, the groom and his parents and other family members present it to the bride in her family home.  She then gathers all her belongings needed to begin her new life with her husband, and both sets of parents give them advice for a happy and successful marriage.  Indian holy water is then placed in the vase, which is turned and offered to the bride.  She drinks from one spout, and the groom drinks from the other.  This ritual unites them as a married couple.

These vases are treasured by the married couple for the extent of their lives.  If one outlives the other, it is tradition to present the wedding vase as a gift to another couple as a way to celebrate their married lives together.

I am very happy with this painting as it honors a beautiful tradition and brings back memories of a wonderful trip.  I also love that the fence in the background is called a "coyote fence." 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

403 One Black Feather

This is probably a crow feather, but it has such beautiful blue black/black shimmer to it.  I felt it was important enough to be painted all by itself.